Though internet marketing provides most buyers with their first view of a property, nothing compares to seeing a house in person. Touring a home during an open house is the only way to get a sense of the home’s condition and how you feel being in the property. To get the most from your experience as a prospective home buyer, exercise proper open house etiquette. You will be able to thoroughly scrutinize the property while respecting the seller’s basic need for privacy.
Upon arrival at an open house, feel free to step in without ringing the bell. If there is a sign-in sheet, be sure to list your name. Try to greet the agent, but if they are busy helping someone else, pick up a flyer and take a self-guided tour. Open doors throughout the home as you walk through it. Storage space is a huge consideration when buying a home, so find out all the features the property has. However, do not open dresser drawers, or snoop through any free-standing furniture such as desks and armoires. Those furnishings are not items that will remain with the house, and most importantly, the homeowner’s privacy must be respected.
After your tour of the home, do give feedback to the agent if asked. Any constructive information you offer can be passed on the homeowner to improve the property for sale.